A human is the one, who would give up a thousand Cleopatras to be with the person he or she loves.
– Abhijit Naskar
Related Quotes:
- Rise to become human again, my friend. Become the human, that talks humans, acts humans and lives human. – Abhijit Naskar
- I have lived a thousand lives and I’ve loved a thousand loves. I’ve walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read. – George RR Martin
- He loves Thee too little, who loves anything together with Thee, which he loves not for Thy sake. – Augustine of Hippo
- Hating yourself is like hating what God loves. God loves you, so love yourself and love what God loves. – Israelmore Ayivor
- One good, compassionate and caring Self is a thousand times greater than all the fanciful, imaginary supernatural entities in the world. – Abhijit Naskar
- Even a thousand loud lies become powerless in front of one calm truth. – Abhijit Naskar
- Ten responsible and rational young citizens are sufficient to clean up the mess of a thousand old superstitious citizens. – Abhijit Naskar
- The human heart is first a human heart, then everything else – American, Christian, Asian, Jew, or whatever. – Abhijit Naskar
- Progress of the human society is predicated upon the proper functioning of a key element of the human mind, that is reasoning. – Abhijit Naskar
- Forget race, forget gender, forget religion, and become a human my friend. Become a human above everything else, and all great things shall follow. – Abhijit Naskar
- The human self and the God self are both creations of molecules in the human brain. – Abhijit Naskar
- Human making is our mission, but if you break the very soul of the would-be humans, then there will be no human to raise. – Abhijit Naskar
- No one will give a damn about you and your excellence unless you give a damn about yourself. – Abhijit Naskar
- Money can’t buy true love. Those promises. A real person who loves you, loves you from the heart. – Auliq Ice
- Most of the modern human society has nearly lost the faculty of observing the internal mechanism. – Abhijit Naskar
- Nature of Human is neither good nor bad, it is simply a fusion of primitive instinctual urges and modern humane conscience. – Abhijit Naskar
- Human brain is structured to avoid any kind of refutation of one’s religious beliefs. – Abhijit Naskar
- I am the bridge that connects these two ever- separated banks of human understanding. – Abhijit Naskar
- Truth, independent of the Self, is irrelevant to the biological existence of human life. – Abhijit Naskar
- The perception of reality is something that is constructed by the human mind based on its own needs and knacks. – Abhijit Naskar
- Monogamy is not a choice, it is a responsibility of a genuine human. – Abhijit Naskar
- Through sexual intimacy, two human beings become one mind, body and soul wrapped up in the cocoon of their skin. – Abhijit Naskar
- Love can literally transform a human being. It can make us do either heroic or evil deeds. It is the best inspiration ever. – Abhijit Naskar
- No Quran, no Bible, no Gita, no Cow, is greater than the human self. – Abhijit Naskar
- No other being is lesser human than the one who thinks of others as such. – Abhijit Naskar
- Either you are homophobic or you are a human – you cannot be both. – Abhijit Naskar
- You may be James the American, or Mary the British, or anything else, but before all that, you are a human. – Abhijit Naskar
- If origin defines race, then the entire human race is African. – Abhijit Naskar
- Science transcends the personal domain of beliefs. You can see the grace of Science in every direction of the human universe. – Abhijit Naskar
- The agonizing flames of misery can turn the human heart inside your skull into a breeding ground for virtues. – Abhijit Naskar
- Education is the greatest manifestation of the innate potential of human mind. – Abhijit Naskar
- The Kingdom of God is, in reality, the mental kingdom of a conscientious, compassionate and courageous human. – Abhijit Naskar
- Let your child be the torch of truth and they shall shine over the entirety of the human society brightening even the darkest corners. – Abhijit Naskar
- Humanism is not a single character. It is a magnificent blend of various emotional and behavioral traits that are unique to the human mind. – Abhijit Naskar
- Become a human and call upon the humans in others. And in time the world shall become a real abode of peace. – Abhijit Naskar
- My goal is simple. It is to take the human civilization with me on the path of sweet general harmony. – Abhijit Naskar
- Human making is our mission. – Abhijit Naskar
- No human, no matter how ancient, or how popular, can be above the laws of Nature. – Abhijit Naskar
- Bring all your power out my friend, and throw away such Gods, such doctrines, such institutions, that impede in the path of human progress. – Abhijit Naskar
- A Film has the potential to kindle such a spark of inspiration in an individual that it can alter the course of human progress. – Abhijit Naskar