The experience of the expert is an advantage to them only for as long as it enables them to learn faster than the novice
– Agona Apell
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- Time is running faster than watch.Life is running faster than Time.We are running faster than Life.In this race, relations are being left behind – Pankaj Gupta
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- Before I can become an expert on anything, I must first become an expert on me. – Charles F Glassman
- It’s by stooping that fingers create a fist, and by standing tall that they give us open palms. – Agona Apell
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- It is only in grammar that the mighty can be bound by rules made by the humble – Agona Apell
- Might without right makes blight – Agona Apell
- The world is fast becoming a corporate caliphate – Agona Apell
- Today’s troubled homes are made by parents who want to have children but don’t want their children to have parents – Agona Apell
- To be laughed at draws more profitable attention than being smiled at – Agona Apell
- Fortune draws her breath through cracks that make coarse the route on which we march to success – Agona Apell
- You lose nothing if by losing a friend you win countless admirers – Agona Apell
- It is through aversion to hardship that great ideas are born, but it is only through acceptance of it that these ideas can be implemented – Agona Apell
- The fortune that you feel you don’t deserve is heaven’s compensation for the misfortunes she feels you didn’t deserve – Agona Apell
- Asking someone to make for you money is like asking them to make for you a baby: they will own the money just as they will own the baby – Agona Apell
- The quality of a man is to be judged not by what he drives but by what drives him – Agona Apell
- Faith is not mere belief but is that state you attain when you send your will, words, thoughts, beliefs, and actions into orbit around a chosen goal – Agona Apell
- The rich don’t know when they will die, but the world’s poor don’t know when they will live – Agona Apell
- To the aimless man all men are equal, but to him with purpose some men are seed and others weed – Agona Apell
- Friends are won through personal contact, but admirers are won through their contact with our works – Agona Apell
- The true worth of a man is not seen in the value his money gives him but in the value he gives his money by the uses he puts it to – Agona Apell
- While reason steers a man, it is faith alone that moves him – Agona Apell
- The highest form of worship is to answer God’s prayer. – Agona Apell
- The further from law you move, the closer to claw you come. – Agona Apell
- The law is not an ass but a chameleon in ass skin: it turns deathly black when around blacks and pristine white when around whites – Agona Apell
- The low suffer most the blow of the law – Agona Apell
- A struggle is fatally injured not so much by the stumbles of its leaders as by their mumbles – Agona Apell
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- It is the ‘Teacher’, that shapes a novice; not only with his studies, but character too. – Aniruddha Sastikar
- The novice spends too much time worrying about what you get.It is all about hoarding.Things.Thoughts.Worries.Appraisals.Love.You name it . – Kaleb Kilton
- A successful person is just a novice who started and kept on going. – Maddy Malhotra
- The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray, and the advantage of science is that it is not emotional. – Oscar Wilde
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- My family came to this country to take advantage of opportunity, not to take advantage of America. – Jake Danishevsky
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