The heart speaks when it is ready…..for love keeps no time.
– AJ Garces
Related Quotes:
- The heart speaks when it is ready…..for love keeps no time. – AJ Garces
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- When love speaks it is about us or we. When ego speaks it is about I or me. – Kemi Sogunle
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- Beware of those who speak ill of others in your presence don’t be surprised of what they say about you in your absence. – AJ Garces
- As America slept, our constitutional quilt was slowly being unraveled by special interest… I hope you like the cold. – AJ Garces
- Beware of those who speak ill of others in your presence…..don’t be surprised of what they say in your absence. – AJ Garces
- Life is like a tango fortunate are the few who can master it. – AJ Garces
- At the bottom of the human well, there should always be a candle of compassion. – AJ Garces
- f you are ready to cry..to feel the pain..to take the risk? You are ready for love – Kiran Joshi
- If you are ready to cry..to feel the pain..to take the risk? You are ready for love – Kiran Joshi
- Something I’m not ready to name works itself under the grip of Charlies death and loosens it, and keeps the nightmare at bay when I fall back asleep. – Trish Doller
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- People learn when they are ready to learn. Are you ready? – Lorii Myers
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- The colored hobo and now Junior Rabbit had told us, -˜Be ready to compete but be ready to fight too or you may not get a chance to compete’. – Clarence Hunter
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- People always getting ready for tomorrow. I didn’t believe in that. Tomorrow wasn’t getting ready for them. It didn’t even know they were there. – Cormac McCarthy
- Instead of waiting for the right moment, BE the right moment. You won’t be ready for anything if you aren’t ready to be you. – Kaiden Blake
- If you stay ready, there’s no need to get ready when an opportunity presents itself. – Maxine Phillips
- Get Ready, Get Ready! – Bishop TDJakes
- Open your soul and put it out there and dare the world to read it, ready to have them stomp on you and laugh, but ready to do it again the next day. – Dan Alatorre
- Money is always eager and ready to work for anyone who is ready to employ it. – Idowu Koyenikan
- Danger is hidden everywhere! You can’t always be physically ready for it, but you can always be ready mentally! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- At the last moment she thought, I’m not ready.But she already knew the answer to that.Nobody was ever ready. – LJ Smith
- My heart has had love and lost love but it keeps on loving. That’s just what hearts do. – Iva Ursano
- The funny thing about the heart is a soft heart is a strong heart, and a hard heart is a weak heart. – Criss Jami