You don´t need a million dollar business, you just need a million dollar team.
– Alin Sav
Related Quotes:
- The reason why you don´t have success is, because you don´t understand the difference between wasting and spending time. – Alin Sav
- Everyone has a business idea. But few have a team… and very few a vision. – Alin Sav
- You don’t need a million dollar to start a business. You just need a simple idea to make Billions – Yusuf AlQaradawi
- Don´t judge people, who preach the Gospel differently than you do. – Alin Sav
- When you don´t grow in holiness, your grow in sin. – Alin Sav
- Don´t make people feel necessarily happy. Make them feel useful. – Alin Sav
- Invest in people who don´t deserve it yet. – Alin Sav
- If people copy your ideas or thoughts, don´t stop them. It´s a sign, that you are an influencer. – Alin Sav
- Don´t speak about it, prove it – Leadership – Alin Sav
- The market changes faster than school can teach. Don´t lean on degrees. – Alin Sav
- If people don´t trust you, maybe you´ve told them the wrong story – Alin Sav
- People don´t need a job, they need a vision. – Alin Sav
- Entrepreneurs don´t play safe, they play good. – Alin Sav
- You don´t have to win the game, play until the others get tired. – Alin Sav
- Entrepreneurs don´t play safe, they play good. – Alin Sav
- You don´t have to win the game, play until the others get tired. – Alin Sav
- if you don´t wanna teach don´t waste time learning – osvaldo yambi
- No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned. – Theodore Roosevelt
- You can’t save dollar by dollar to become wealthy. – Ehab Atalla
- the pain of losing a dollar is far more powerful than the pleasure of winning a dollar. – L Jon Wertheim
- Leadership: In love with the team, not the spotlights. – Alin Sav
- If you want to save time, invest in a team. – Alin Sav
- A business owner who is not willing to invest in their business is a business owner who shouldn’t be in business. – Victoria Barnes
- It’s the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you. – Million Dollar Baby
- A picture may be worth a thousand words, but those well-arranged words are worth a multi-million-dollar motion picture. – Richelle E Goodrich
- Million dollar ideas are a dime a dozen. The determination to see the idea through is what’s priceless. – Robert Dieffenbach
- To experience positive/healthy emotions you don’t need a big house or a nice car or a managerial job or a million dollar in your bank. – Maddy Malhotra
- I would rather write a book without a title if my true friend chooses to live in a million dollar home in London and acts foreign. – Duop Chak Wuol
- You want to build a big business? Start with your character. – Alin Sav
- Intentional leadership. The moment when your business starts to grow. – Alin Sav
- The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team. – Phil Jackson
- I want to be part of the happiness team – let’s create the happiness team – from love, not greed, love of life & our planet, true & free. – Jay Woodman
- Trust is knowing that when a team member does push you, they’re doing it because they care about the team. – Patrick Lencioni
- Don’t build a team that will fuel your ‘ego’. Build a team that has the skills, desire & passion for fueling the ‘vision’. – Yvonne Pierre
- Few teams sometimes fails miserably because team members wish to work in the team but they want to be recognized individualy. – Amit Kalantri
- Feature in God’s team of trainees and you will play for the winning team! This is your heritage that you will lay hands on the trophy! – Israelmore Ayivor
- God is the leader of your team. As you follow Him with all your heart, you will be leading your team in Jesus’ steps. – Jim George
- Taj Mahal was built as a team; without a team, it was a far dream. – Vinita Kinra
- Organisations are innovating quicker than ever. Your members need to excel from being a team player to a team builder. – Janna Cachola
- You cannot run a multimillion-dollar business like you would a lemonade stand. – Mark Miller