Yes it´s true, God is good, but not everything that seems to be good comes automatically from God.
– Alin Sav
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- Sometimes the church isn´t the place where we meet Jesus, it´s the place where we hide ourselves from the world. – Alin Sav
- The Gospel is the good news, not the grouse news. Preaching is not beating, it´s informing in a christlike way. – Alin Sav
- If people copy your ideas or thoughts, don´t stop them. It´s a sign, that you are an influencer. – Alin Sav
- I´ve read the first pages of the script, it´s all about Jesus, He is the principal performer. – Alin Sav
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- Will the stars say yes? Will the moon say yes? Will the sky say yes? Who will say yes when I will ask you.. will you marry me? – Dr Karan M Pai
- Leadership is influence. An influencer is not automatically a leader. – Alin Sav
- God won´t make a way where there seems to be no faith. – Alin Sav
- Conversely, I though humiliation would be everything, but it´s such a nothing. – Suzanne Finnamore
- Everything seems impossible And everything seems possible. – Dejan Stojanovic
- Look forward to be a learner. The leader comes along. – Alin Sav
- No one can prove logically, that the Bible is the word of God, but what Jesus did proved crazily the love of God. – Alin Sav
- God brings us comfort, but comfort doesn´t bring us to God. – Alin Sav
- I trust God, but He trusted me first. I love God, but He loved me first. – Alin Sav
- True friends don’t send sms, they give a phone call. – Alin Sav
- Everything what you do is Leadership, if you are OK being number 2 from time to time. – Alin Sav
- I am nothing without the One who is everything. – Alin Sav
- Everything that goes into my mouth seems to make me fat, everything that comes out of my mouth embarrasses me. – Gabriel Garca Mrquez
- Security comes from Trust.Trust comes from Faith.Faith comes when you eliminate all fear.Ease comes when you are fearless. – Brownell Landrum
- It’s late at night when the memory comes for me, like it always seems to when the relief of sleep seems ready to draw me under. – Joaquin Lowe
- If God would cry, you can´t compare it to a tsunami. – Alin Sav
- God is not a follower. – Alin Sav
- We can hear God better, when we shut up faster. – Alin Sav
- God prefers rightousness over peace. – Alin Sav
- Every time when somebody opens his heart to God, the big bang theory works. – Alin Sav
- Efficient Christians are those who walk with God. – Alin Sav
- God is invisible for ignorants. – Alin Sav
- God cannot remember forgiven sins. – Alin Sav
- When you’re in God’s will, even when you miss, you will hit. – Alin Sav
- Motivational quotes inspire people to change behaviour. Can you imagine how dramatically the word of God can change lives? – Alin Sav
- Peace and love is the absence of religion in the presence of God. – Alin Sav
- The devil doesn’t care about your age when he wants to destroy you, neither does God when He is about to save you. – Alin Sav
- If there is no desire for prayer, maybe there is no hunger for God. – Alin Sav
- If science will ever prove that God does not exist, then we already left this world. – Alin Sav
- A holy life is not a life empty of sin, but a life full of God’s presence. – Alin Sav
- What is done in God is done forever. – Alin Sav
- I can´t get out of the box, while keeping God in the box. – Alin Sav