The journey is where we find perspective.
– Alison Levine
Related Quotes:
- Maybe journey is not so much a journey ahead, or a journey into space, but a journey into presence. – Nelle Morton
- Don’t ever underestimate the importance of treating others with respect and kindness. – Alison Levine
- Failure in and of itself is not a bad thing. But failing to learn from it is inexcusable. – Alison Levine
- How we treat people is always our choice, and if we choose not to be respectful, it can come back to bite us. – Alison Levine
- Our perspective equals our reality, tweak the perspective and you tweak your reality. – Sam Owen
- To change your perspective, you have to change your perspective. – Kelley Hazen
- Sometimes an outside perspective is the clearer perspective. – Shannon A Thompson
- Sometimes in your life you will go on a journey. It will be the longest journey you have ever taken. It is the journey to find yourself. – Katharine Sharp
- Perspective, patience, & trust. One derived from the past, one applied now, and one for the future. Powerful allies for your journey in life. – Gary Rudz
- The journey may be fraught with challenges, yet it continues, for even the smallest leaf must embrace destiny…Persistence is the key… – Virginia Alison
- You are important to this earth. If you were meant to journey alone, you would not have friends… – Virginia Alison
- Relate to the fear, not just from it. (50) – Stephen Levine
- The mind work sometimes in life as it does in a dream. It makes substitutions… – Daniel Levine
- We all hold the keys to our own jail cells. – Paul Levine
- Solomon’s Laws 1. When the law doesn’t work…work the law. – Paul Levine
- Kisses were better than potions. – Gail Carson Levine
- You do know what I mean about Mom. It’s like she radios into headquarters for Dad’s feelings when she senses hers need backup. – Sara Levine
- Our children cannot be assumed to follow in our footsteps, assuage our losses, or compensate for our inadequacies. – Madeline Levine
- Our future experiences will be colored by the choices we make in the present. – Noah Levine
- Caring is going to the ends of the world for a stranger. – Bernard Levine
- The mind is a useful tool but not a very good friend. – Stephen Levine
- Letting ourselves be forgiven is one of the most difficult healings we will undertake. And one of the most fruitful. (79) – Stephen Levine
- Simply touching a difficult memory with some slight willingness to heal begins to soften the holding and tension around it. (74) – Stephen Levine
- Climb the day, Drop your dreams, Possess the day. – Gail Carson Levine
- He had managed to lock away everything he didn’t want to remember… and the memories returned as well. – Daniel Levine
- … He was only a person on the outside and… his insides were ashes mixed with coins and a brain. – Gail Carson Levine
- I’m solitary as a pulled tooth,Lonely as an unwelcome truth, Lost as a minnow out of school, A genius in a crop of fools. – Gail Carson Levine
- Pain and suffering are two completely difference experiences. Pain is unavoidable. Suffering is self-created. – Noah Levine
- Trauma is hell on earth. Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods. – Peter A Levine
- People approach writers, assuming we pull a perfect text out of our nose each time (well spelled). Spelling is the least of it. – Sara Levine
- One makes discoveries about oneself but more often one makes up discoveries. – Sara Levine
- When I write, I make discoveries about my feelings. – Gail Carson Levine
- Ahh the 90’s I hated ye when I was in it, but I love it now that it’s gone… – Allison B Levine
- Who judges the judge who judges wrong? – Gail Carson Levine
- Love shouldn’t be dictated – Gail Carson Levine
- [D]etachment means letting go and nonattachment means simply letting be. (95) – Stephen Levine
- Everyone else reached the Shores of Sleep, but I remained oceans away. – Gail Carson Levine
- If I couldn’t sleep, I could read. – Gail Carson Levine
- Some people, no matter how easy the path they are given on the walk of life, will find a way to mess it all up. Ray Levine was one of those people. – Harlan Coben
- Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness. – Peter A Levine