As long as you create, you are being created.
– Angelos Michalopoulos
Related Quotes:
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- We not only don’t have fun with what we are supposed to enjoy,but whatever we don’t enjoy has started having fun with us. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- Don’t ask me to distance myself from the person I cannot become. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- How will I ever learn to forget what I can no longer delete? – Angelos Michalopoulos
- Living one floor below Paradise. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- In a family, no matter how dysfunctional she is, when one member loses, when one becomes smaller, all lose, all end up becoming smaller. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- Unfortunately I never learnedhow to touch my truth without breaking it. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- I am more free than I think and more enslaved than I fear. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- I am what my past allows me to be. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- A fire is born long before its first flame. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- I am the product of any imperfection of mine I have never used to make my life better. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- The only thing that is stronger than what I fear is what I believe in. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- I have to find out who I am before my doubts discover it first. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- What do you call a slap that`s waiting an inch away from your cheek refusing to back away? A caress – Angelos Michalopoulos
- Each time you stare at a blank page, you end up staring at yourself. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- In order to faster become the person I wanted to, I decided to deceive my own dreams. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- There are no insensitive hearts, just hearts that don`t find it profitable anymore to feel. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- How is it possible, as you get to know someone better, to realize how good his past is at not letting you find out anything more about him? – Angelos Michalopoulos
- Neither wit nor beauty nor riches can conquer misery, only kindness can. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- Emotional fog is what a man feels when he begins to answer the questions he has not yet dared to ask himself. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- The dictatorship of hate has by now completely vanquished the democracy of pleasure. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- I was always able to descend the uphills of my life faster than I could ascend its downhills.-¬ – Angelos Michalopoulos
- It`s not darkness that turns off the lights in your life, it`s your sadness that does it. – Angelos Michalopoulos
- Whenever man fights with somebody else he is fighting with his own truth at the same time – Angelos Michalopoulos
- A soul`s ugliness can be much more ambitious than her beauty. – Michalopoulos Angelos
- God didn’t create the fear, fear created the God.God didn’t create humans, Humans created the God because of their fear. – John Art
- Life is made up of Moments. Moments create Days, days create Months, months create Years, years create LIFE. Lose the Moment and you lose Life. – RVM
- Create something. Create something ugly. Create something beautiful.  I don’t care what it is. Create it. – Jill Telford
- Humans do not create, we pro-create from that which The Creator has already created. – Atom Tate
- Don’t just create art to make money. Make money so you can create more art. (Exchange any words you want for ‘create art’ and see if it fits). – Richie Norton
- Either you create million excuses or you create million rupees. But you cannot create both. – Abhishek Kumar
- Those who can create, will create. Those who cannot create, will compete. – Michael F Bruyn
- On the sixth day god created man,on the seventh day man created god.Now we are even. – AJ Beirens
- If really god is there, then God created us.If really god is not there, then we created God(Our creativity). – Madhu Kiran Software Engg
- Man kept control over the machines he created, I wish God would have done the same with the man he created. – Amit Kalantri
- You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. We were created to be victorious. – Joel Osteen
- Don’t just Recognize him.he don’t need your recognition. he created you, not you created him. Understand the GOD. – Aakash Sharma
- Yes, the same God who created all the universes created you as a one-of-a-kind. He knows you and loves you and commands you to love yourself. – Toni Sorenson
- For a God that created everything, it is mystifying why he created so much competition. – Trevor Treharne