When you remembered to forget, you were remembering. It was when you forgot to forget that you forgot.
– Ann Brashares
Related Quotes:
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- I did the searching and remembering, she did the disappearing and the forgetting. – Ann Brashares
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- One forgot, one forgot. What hold had one on the past? The present moment was a little travelling in darkness. – Iris Murdoch
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- The trick is remembering that change is as easy as you make it. The trick is remembering that you are the boss of you. – AS King
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- Marina wouldn’t want to be remembered because she dead. She would want to be remembered because she’s good. – Anne Fadiman
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- There are two kind of people in the world those who wish to be remembered, and those who are always remembered. – Kartik Mehta
- They were the sisterhood: their mothers at a younger age. – Ann Brashares
- He was the strangest of strangers in that he was also her oldest friend. – Ann Brashares
- They were absolutely lovely, and in their presence, so was she. – Ann Brashares
- Together or apart, no matter how far apart, we live in one another. We go on together. – Ann Brashares
- Tibby, on the other hand, had spent hundreds and hundreds of hours with Brian striving for the comfort of not knowing. – Ann Brashares
- What you leave behind is the people you loved. You leave yourself in them. – Ann Brashares
- Even exciting places are boring most of the time. Wars. Movie sets. Emergency rooms. – Ann Brashares
- Bridget wondered whether it all came down to the claustrophobic choice between dying beautiful or living ugly. – Ann Brashares
- You surround yourself with your pain or you avoid it and let it find you when you are trying to do other things – Ann Brashares
- Bridget’s anger evaporated and the sadness came back. The anger was easier. She owned and controlled it, whereas the sadness owned her. – Ann Brashares
- The path of your life can change in an instant. – Ann Brashares
- We follow our scripts like actors in a very large, very long production. And even with no audience, none of us gives a hint that it isn’t real. – Ann Brashares
- [Carmen] knew a worse friend would have made her feel better. – Ann Brashares
- My memory is good for some things and not others. – Ann Brashares
- she looked up at the stars and gave Tibby thanks. She didn’t have to throw her thoughts far to know they reached her. – Ann Brashares
- This is the most beautiful piece of advice I can offer. I you don’t have what you want now, you don’t have what you want. – Ann Brashares
- But it was smell that carried memory. – Ann Brashares
- Not even you can reach me here, Carmen thought. – Ann Brashares
- But I know this. We’re ready to move forward again in our way. Together or apart, no matter how far apart, we live in one another. We go on together. – Ann Brashares
- She spilled rice on my knee, and she smiled. I wanted her to spill a thousand things on me, lava, acid, bricks, anything, and smile each time – Ann Brashares
- People sometimes talk about the power of first impressions, and believe me, there is truth to it. – Ann Brashares
- She kept walking. The very small, brave part of her brain knew that this would be her one chance. If she turned around, she would lose it. – Ann Brashares
- Whenever she was in his arms, she forgot she even had a name. – Julie Ann Walker
- Forget the face of God, and forget your own name is Beloved. – Ann Voskamp
- Everyone else’s Minute of remembering is over, but ours stretches on and on. It doesn’tend. – Corey Ann Haydu
- I thought you had forgotten me.--œI have spent my life remembering you. – Meredith Ann Pierce
- We know how to lead projects, but we forget how to lead people, because we forgot how to lead ourselves. – Alin Sav