Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand.
– Archibald Putt
Related Quotes:
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- People addicted with technology.Technology has indulged mankind. Beware of technology dependency! – Toba Beta
- People addicted with technology.Technology has indulged mankind. Beware of technology dependency! – Toba Beta
- Excuse me, I must go and putt – PG Wodehouse
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- Time is life. To manage time you simply have to manage yourself. – Mensah Oteh
- If you can manage your thoughts and mind, and choose your battles wisely, you can manage your life. – Mensah Oteh
- Manage your life as you manage your money. – Sharon Law Tucker
- I’m sorry but I will manage my anger when you manage your childishness. – Nina Ardianti
- You can easily manage what you create. Create time for what you dream of accomplishing and you will manage it till it’s done and done well! – Israelmore Ayivor
- We don’t manage time, we manage activities within time – Bernard Kelvin Clive
- If you want innovation, growth, and culture, invest in people, not technology. Technology can’t lead, love, or connect. – Farshad Asl
- Technology and technology-driven change has virtually nothing to do with igniting a transformation from good to great – James C Collins
- It’s not that any sufficiently advanced technology is magic, it’s that any technology taking place beyond the threshold of our senses is. – Nick Harkaway
- Technology does not drive change. It is our collective response to the options and opportunities presented by technology that drives change. – Morgan Housel
- Anyway, when sophisticated technology fails, primitive technology steps in to do the job. – Michel Faber
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- Nature is the ultimate technology; a technology we are still too immature, arrogant, possessive and careless to care for responsibly. – Bryant McGill
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- The more you learn about other people, the more you understand yourself; and the more you understand yourself, the more you understand other people. – Father Brown
- You see, dear-”I think there are two types of people in the world. Those who divide the world up into two kinds of people… and those who don’t. – Tony Hendra
- My God, these Feeling types! … Sensitive people are just tyrannical people – everybody else has to adapt to them. – MarieLouise von Franz
- We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices…. Government has to make those choices for people. – Hillary Rodham Clinton
- Two people who know they do not understand each other, breeding children whom they do not understand and who will never understand them. – TS Eliot
- Jesuits so dominated the study of earthquakes that seismology became known as ‘the Jesuit Science. – Thomas E Woods Jr
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- They inhabited a lost world of splendour and brutality, a world dominated by religious change, in which there were few saints. – Alison Weir
- From the moment I met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me. I was dominated, soul brain and power. – Oscar Wilde
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- Will my future faith be dominated by past demons? Will my unlimited possibilities give way to my limited territory? – Michelle Carithers
- The world is now being dominated by few Giant organizations that influence and dectate our consuming behavior. – Ashraf Haggag
- You want to be possessed, but not controlled. You want to be protected, but not smothered. You want to be dominated, but only in one way. – Juliette Cross
- His mouth descended on hers in a fierce kiss.He seized, he captured.He dominated.And she loved every second of it. – Donna Grant
- By voluntarily adopting a dominated body posture you display the fact that you have accepted to be inferior. – JF Bouchard
- We want to be relevant . . . However, the more relevant we become to a sin-dominated world, the more irrelevant we actually are to God. – Billy Graham
- We don’t live in an ideal world, but in a world dominated by sinful, selfish desires. – Billy Graham
- To be Spirit-filled is to be controlled or dominated by the Spirit’s presence and power. – Billy Graham
- CS Lewis’s humor supported his exposition but never dominated or diminished it. – Greg Cootsona
- While practicing mindfulness, don’t be dominated by the distinction between good and evil, thus creating a battle within oneself. – Thich Nhat Hanh
- We have a mental health system that is dominated by political and hidden forces that keep us stagnated and unable to see real, lasting change. – Tamara Hill