He who wars against the arts, wars not against nations, but against all mankind.
– Arthur Urbane Dilley
Related Quotes:
- Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change. – Muhammad Ali
- In the German tongue, in the Polish townScraped flat by the rollerOf wars, wars, wars … – Sylvia Plath
- We may always enslave ourselves to mankind if we do not clearly differentiate between showing respect to mankind from pleasing mankind – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- The Destructive Arts are exactly like Martial Arts, except they don’t have uniforms or usefulness and the end result doesn’t resemble art in any way. – Jim Benton
- And, certainly to him Life itself was the first, the greatest, of the arts, and for it all the other arts seemed to be but a preparation. – Oscar Wilde
- When nations grow old the Arts grow coldAnd commerce settles on every tree – William Blake
- If a nation blames other nations for their problems, most likely the citizens of the nations will do the same thing. – Debasish Mridha
- Here is a good way for the world to make a good progress: Let the less clever nations learn good things from the more clever nations! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- Leaders unify nations by creating an external enemy, and nations make that dream comes true. – MF Moonzajer
- In many homes, technology meant to illuminate the mind ends up only illuminating the living room. – Joe Dilley
- In many homes, technology meant to illuminate the mind ends up only illuminating the living room. – Joe Dilley
- When multi-national corporations are given the same powers as feudal states or nations: expect wars. – Norman Hartley
- I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars. – EM Forster
- There’ll always be wars because men love wars. Women don’t, but men do.. – Margaret Mitchell
- The military don’t start wars. Politicians start wars. – William C Westmoreland
- When deliberating, think in campaigns and not battles; in wars and notcampaigns; in ultimate conquest and not wars. – Steven Pressfield
- We prayed these wars would end all wars –In war we know is no rom – Mark Knopfler
- the militay dont start wars, politicians start wars – William C Westmoreland
- Created by wars that required it, the machine now created the wars it required. – Joseph Alois Schumpeter
- The man that wars and judges others is eternally lost. The man that wars and judges himself is eternally found. – Jason Versey
- The man that wars with and judges others is eternally lost. The man that wars with and judges himself is eternally found. – Jason Versey
- The man that wars with others is lost. The man that wars with himself is found. – Jason Versey
- The nine Greek Muses, awakened again for this generation of man and meant to inspire mankind forward in the sciences and the arts. – Lisa Kessler
- Mankind does not have dominion over the Earth, mankind has a relationship with the Earth. – JAdam Snyder
- Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend. – Ludwig van Beethoven
- Rejecting God’s truth b/c of mankind’s hypocrisy is like rejecting mathematical truth b/c mankind’s incompetence. – Orrin Woodward
- Mankind’s biggest blunder, ignorance. Mankind’s second, infallible. – MT Dismuke
- The world was created for Mankind, not for some of mankind. – Richard Llewellyn
- If mankind’s greatest achievement is to produce more spaces for mankind to live in, I do not think I am so impressed. – Sharon Shinn
- Christmas is God saving mankind from the folly of mankind’s grandiose sense of greatness. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- The war is against children, and all the other wars are just a shadow of the war on children. – Stefan Molyneux
- Arthur without Excalibur was still Arthur. – Kendare Blake
- Finally I reached into my pocket and flipped a quarter. Heads was Phlox, tails was Arthur. It came up heads. I called Arthur. – Michael Chabon
- I was weeping for all of history’s incredible atrocities against fellowmen, which seems to be mankind’s greatest flaw… – Alex Haley
- Each wrong idea we follow is a crime committed against future generations. – Arthur Koestler
- When we fight upstream against a rocky undercurrent, every foothold takes on a kind of urgency. – Arthur Golden
- (T)he increase of known truths stimulates the investigation, establishment, and growth of the arts. – Galileo Galilei
- Don’t be dismayed by the opinions of editors, or critics. They are only the traffic cops of the arts. – Gene Fowler
- The Arts are the only acceptable theatre of war for peace. – Bryant McGill
- In the act of creation, as in all the arts, the soul should be felt in the face and the fingers and the tongue, even in the cavities. – Chris Campanioni