Far from a source of suffering, their adopted faith had been a source of power.
– Barbara W Tuchman
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- House speaker Thomas read could see the trend, but he could not have changed himself. – Barbara W Tuchman
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- The utility of perseverance in absurdity is more than I could ever discern. Edmund Burke – Barbara W Tuchman
- He was always acting, always enveloping himself in artificiality, perhaps to conceal the volcano within. – Barbara W Tuchman
- Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill. – Barbara W Tuchman
- How much does a man’s effort depend upon the age in which his work is cast? Pope Clement VII – Barbara W Tuchman
- No single characteristic ever overtakes an entire society. – Barbara W Tuchman
- Prison does not silence ideas whose time has come. – Barbara W Tuchman
- Malignant phenomena do not come out of a golden age. – Barbara W Tuchman
- The tribal pull of patriotism could have no better testimony. – Barbara W Tuchman
- All this visible greatness was really one with Nineveh and Tyre. – Barbara W Tuchman
- Strong prejudices in an ill-formed mind are hazardous to government. – Barbara W Tuchman
- Disorder is the least tolerable up sinful conditions. – Barbara W Tuchman
- Why, since folly or perversity is expected of individuals, should we expect anything else from government? – Barbara W Tuchman
- Irritability was an occupational disease. Intolerant and intolerable belong in the same category. – Barbara W Tuchman
- Even the respectable have a small anarchist hidden on the inside. – Barbara W Tuchman
- Humanizing war?! You may as well talk of humanizing Hell. Sir John Fisher – Barbara W Tuchman
- His only weakness was the habit of prophesying war within the next fortnight. George Bernard Shaw – Barbara W Tuchman
- He accomplished wonders of diplomacy on the principle, never give way, and never give offense. – Barbara W Tuchman
- That he survived, and indeed returned to government, was one of man’s occasional triumphs over medicine. – Barbara W Tuchman
- England’s traditional tolerance was outraged at last. – Barbara W Tuchman
- The affair made men feel larger than life. – Barbara W Tuchman
- One Cardinal entered his cathedral for the first time at his funeral. – Barbara W Tuchman
- The love of humanity does not prevent us from being good journalists. – Barbara W Tuchman
- Each one of us is serious individually, but together we become frivolous. – Barbara W Tuchman