The Bible teaches that our homes should be hospitable and that those who come in and out of our homes should sense the presence of Christ.
– Billy Graham
Related Quotes:
- If I stick to the Bible and preach the principles and the teachings of the Bible, and quote the Bible, it has an impact of its own. – Billy Graham
- The central theme of the Bible is salvation, and the central personality of the Bible is Christ. – Billy Graham
- Failure is a part of life. Success teaches you nothing, but failure teaches you resilience. It teaches you to pick yourself up and try again. – Sarah Morgan
- Psalms teaches us how to relate to God, and Proverbs teaches us how to relate to others. – Billy Graham
- We should say nothing that we would not wish to say in His Presence. We should do nothing that we would not do in His Presence. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches that we are to be patient in suffering. Tears become telescopes to heaven, bringing eternity a little closer. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches that life does not end at the cemetery. There is a future life. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches that there will be a famine of the Word of God in the last days . . . spiritual starvation leads to spiritual death. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches that whether we are saved or lost, there is conscious and everlasting existence of the soul and personality. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches whether we are saved or lost, there is an everlasting existence of the soul. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches that a man who can control his tongue can control his whole personality. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches that you have three enemies . . . the devil . . . the world . . . the flesh. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches that man’s chief problem is spiritual. – Billy Graham
- The subject of heaven is much easier to accept than the subject of hell. And yet the Bible teaches both. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches that man can undergo a radical spiritual and moral change that is brought about by God Himself. – Billy Graham
- The Bible teaches that whosoever is born of God does not practice sin. – Billy Graham
- Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. – Clive James
- We must practice the Presence of God. Jesus said, -œLo, I am with you always- [Matthew 28:20]. Remember, Christ is always near us. – Billy Graham
- The Bible is our authority in everything it touches. This means the Bible is our guide to show us how to live . . . it is our instructor. – Billy Graham
- God’s laws for the spiritual world are found in the Bible. Whatever else there may be that tells us of God, it is more clearly told in the Bible. – Billy Graham
- The Bible is the only Book in the world that predicts the future. The Bible is more modern than tomorrow morning’s newspaper. – Billy Graham
- The central message of the Bible is Jesus Christ. – Billy Graham
- The devil is alive and kicking. But if you are in Christ and follow the rules of daily Bible study, prayer, and witnessing, he has no power over you. – Billy Graham
- God-”the Bible’s Author-”loves you and wants you to be His child through faith in Jesus Christ. – Billy Graham
- God gave the Bible to us because He wants us to know Him and love Him and serve Him. Most of all, He gave it to us so we can become more like Christ. – Billy Graham
- We can trust the Bible because it points us to the most important events in human history: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. – Billy Graham
- As I read the Bible, I seem to find holiness to be [Christ’s] supreme attribute. – Billy Graham
- I would disapprove of another hospitable man who was excessive in friendship, as of one excessive in hate. In all things balance is better. – Homer
- Jesus modeled true leadership as both personal and hospitable. – Adam LiVecchi
- In this hospitable world it is much harder to be unsuccessful than successful. – Debasish Mridha
- If there were no heaven and no hell, I would still want to be a Christian because of what it does for our homes and our own families in this life. – Billy Graham
- The secret strength of a nation is found in the faith that abides in the hearts and homes of the country. – Billy Graham
- Children respect discipline. They want to be guided. It gives them a sense of belonging, a sense of security. – Billy Graham
- I have noticed a trend in premature deaths in the people that I know and the presence of streetlights outside of their homes. – Steven Magee
- Christian spirituality combines a sense of the awe and majesty of God with a sense of His intimate presence. – NT Wright
- I must first have the sense of God’s possession of me before I can have the sense of His presence with me. – Watchman Nee
- All of Christianity is based on a person-”Jesus Christ. Christ Himself is the embodiment of the Gospel. – Billy Graham
- You can have religion but not know Christ. It’s having Christ that counts. – Billy Graham
- Faith actually means surrender and commitment to the claims of Christ. It means an acknowledgment of sin and a turning to Christ. – Billy Graham
- Sin is serious-”so serious it sent Jesus Christ to the cross. Flee from [sin] and stay close to Christ. – Billy Graham