![Marriage is not a reform school . . .Instead of you reforming [your spouse], [he or she] will instead influence you.](https://quotes.happiom.com/wp-content/uploads/6/billy-graham-quotes-65217-marriage-is-not-a-reform-school.png)
Marriage is not a reform school . . .Instead of you reforming [your spouse], [he or she] will instead influence you.
– Billy Graham
Related Quotes:
- Marriage should be between a spouse and a spouse, not a gender and a gender. – Hendrik Hertzberg
- Leaders do not conform; they reform. If you conform, you are nurturing mediocrity. If you reform, you are breeding change. – Israelmore Ayivor
- To reform the world – means to reform upbringing… – Janusz Korczak
- Too many husbands and wives enter into marriage with the idea that their spouse exists for one purpose: to make them happy. – Billy Graham
- The difference between the right spouse and the wrong spouse is the difference between a soul mate and a cell mate. – RA Mathis
- The more interest you show in your spouse, the more interest your spouse will show in you. – Lindsey Rietzsch
- California has legislatively barred alimony payments to a dependent spouse who has attempted to murder the supporting spouse. Cal. Fam. Code § 4324. – D Kelly Weisberg
- You can influence a whole plethora of things, and just as they can influence you then you can influence them. – Stephen Richards
- How do you teach a classroom of Sybils who are breaking apart and reforming right in front of you? – David Brooks
- Marriage is a holy bond because it permits two people to help each other work out their spiritual destinies. God declared marriage to be good. – Billy Graham
- Nothing brings more joy than a good marriage, and nothing brings more misery than a bad marriage. – Billy Graham
- The perfect marriage is a uniting of three persons-”a man and a woman and God. That is what makes marriage holy. – Billy Graham
- Many churches have their eyes on the culture instead of on Christ. Many pastors preach on common unity instead of calling the community to repent. – Billy Graham
- The influence of early books is profound. So much of the future lies on the shelves. Early reading has more influence than any religious teaching. – Graham Greene
- It’s weird, marriage. It’s like this license that gives a person the legal right to control their spouse / their ‘other half. – Jess C Scott
- You know you are alone in marriage when your spouse is ignorant of your daily needs. – Gift Gugu Mona
- Show your love by giving your spouse incredible admiration and encouragement. – A Love Forever, Creating An Amazing Marriage. – Thomas
- A good marriage is supposed to be one where each spouse secretly thinks he or she got the better deal. – Anne Lamott
- The way you date(treat) your spouse, truly has an impact inside and outside of your marriage. – Lindsey Rietzsch
- It’s all right to have expectations in marriage. Just remember to keep them at the feet of Jesus, not at the feet of your spouse – Ngina Otiende
- There was no such thing as a marriage with one happy spouse. Both must be or neither. – Sherry Thomas
- There’s nothing more devastating in a marriage than when a spouse puts their work, their desires above their partner’s heart. – Solange nicole
- Little things spell LOVE. Beware the spouse or marriage that places a premium on expensive gifts and ‘toys. – David R Wommack
- When both you and your spouse actively focus on developing godly character qualities, the foundation of your marriage will be twice as strong. – Elizabeth George
- While your character flaws may have created mild problems for other people, they will create major problems for your spouse and your marriage. – Timothy J Keller
- How many would protest if restaurants began serving puppy and kitten flesh instead of calves? Robins instead of hens? Squirrels instead of pigs? – Mango Wodzak
- Christians should be a foreign influence, a minority group in a pagan world. – Billy Graham
- Only God Himself fully appreciates the influence of a Christian mother in the molding of character in her children. – Billy Graham
- Every generation has found [the Bible’s] message indispensable, and its influence on individuals and society over the centuries has been enormous. – Billy Graham
- Apart from religious influence, the family is the most important unit of society. – Billy Graham
- It doesn’t take great wealth or social influence to be faithful, but it does take obedience and endurance. – Billy Graham
- Salt and light speak of the influence Christians can exercise for good in society. – Billy Graham
- The influence of sin touches the innocent as well as the guilty. – Billy Graham
- True leaders apply law and grace, for those who only apply only law have little influence and those who apply only grace do not influence properly. – Orrin Woodward
- Since you can’t be influence by people who hate you, you cannot influence people you hate also. – Israelmore Ayivor
- Anyaele Sam Chiyson Leadership Law of Influence: It takes an influential leader to excellently raise up leaders of influence. – Anyaele Sam Chiyson
- That was the September I cut school six times in my first two weeks. I just couldn’t do school anymore. Something inside wouldn’t let me. – Junot Daz
- Before her parents were killed, Lena hadn’t minded school. She had even liked some of her classes. Now school was just watching the clock tick. – Aaron Michael Ritchey
- hate school but love school and threat it right so you can be where you love to be all right? – Mohlalefi j motsima
- School is a pile of crap. School has always been a pile of crap -“ he had just never bothered to think about it until today. – Tabitha Suzuma