Always believe you can change the world -“ even if it’s only a tiny bit, because every tiny bit needed someone who changed it.
– Caitlin Moran
Related Quotes:
- Try not to change the world. You will fail. Try to love the world. Lo, the world is changed. Changed forever. – Sri Chinmoy
- Women are always being asked when they’re going to have children. It’s a question they’re asking even more often. – Caitlin Moran
- Women’s bodies do not give up their babies so easily, and so silently, is the message. The heart will always remember. – Caitlin Moran
- Parents drinking is the reason you came into the world, and if we didn’t keep doing it then, by God, it would be the reason you went back out of it. – Caitlin Moran
- First world babies are eating this planet like termites. – Caitlin Moran
- Because I haven’t yet learned the simplest and most important thing of all: the world is difficult, and we are all breakable. So just be kind. – Caitlin Moran
- I want a Zero Tolerance policy on All The Patriarchal Bullshit. – Caitlin Moran
- When a woman says, -˜I have nothing to wear!’, what she really means is, -˜There’s nothing here for who I’m supposed to be today. – Caitlin Moran
- … motherhood is a game you must enter with as much energy, willingness, and happiness as possible. – Caitlin Moran
- The problem with battling yourself is that even if you win, you lose. – Caitlin Moran
- David Cameron is a C-3P0 made of ham. – Caitlin Moran
- The reason they don’t ask me when they’re having kids, of course, is because men can, pretty much, carry on a normal life once they’ve had a baby. – Caitlin Moran
- Strip clubs let everyone down. Men and women approach their very worst here. – Caitlin Moran
- We’re supposed to speak from the heart in what we wear. We have to find capsule wardrobes. – Caitlin Moran
- Women wear heels because they think they make their legs look thinner. – Caitlin Moran
- Not one had ever passed judgement on my cheap handbag to my face. But then, this is a reserved country. – Caitlin Moran
- The actual handbag is neither here nor there– it’s what you keep in it that’s the most important thing. – Caitlin Moran
- Between 60 and 80 percent of strippers come from a background of sexual abuse. – Caitlin Moran
- Within living memory of this country, men could rape their wives: women were not seen as a separate sexual entity, with the right of refusal. – Caitlin Moran
- Life is really the only place you can learn the most important lessons about how to get dressed and to be happy. – Caitlin Moran
- But when women are asked when they’re going to have children, there is, in actually, another darker, more pertinent question lying underneath it. – Caitlin Moran
- Men and women alike have convinced themselves of a dragging belief: that somehow women are incomplete without having children. – Caitlin Moran
- In the 21st century, it can’t be about who we might make, and what they might do, anymore. It has to be about who we are and what we’re going to do. – Caitlin Moran
- Abortions are never seen as a positive thing, as any other operation to remedy a potentially life-ruining condition would. – Caitlin Moran
- The idea that I might not– in an earlier era, or a different country– have a choice in the matter seems both emotionally and physically barbaric. – Caitlin Moran
- hearing women singing about themselves – rather than men singing about women – makes everything seem wonderfully clear, and possible – Caitlin Moran
- Galaxies of nothing are going onin her eyes. – Caitlin Moran
- He was bright, bright, bright, like a lantern above a pub door in November- he made you want to come in and never leave. – Caitlin Moran
- Who’s to know what makes a bird wake up and decide to change its song? It was written that our world would change and it changed. – Eliot Pattison
- The distance to the corner shops of childhood becomes unfathomable, immeasurable; the candy bars have changed. And change has changed. – Ilse Aichinger
- The great are eternally at the mercy of tiny men. And also, tiny madwomen. – Salman Rushdie
- As life begins with a tiny little thing, success begins with tiny little steps forward. – Debasish Mridha
- Just a tiny little pain,Three days of heavy rain,Three days of sunlight,Everything will be alright,Just a tiny little pain. – Antonia Michaelis
- I’ve committed to nothing…and that’s just suicide…by tiny, tiny increments. – Nick Hornby
- Man needed to dream. Yes, he needed to believe in illusions, to aspire to something more than the miserable, hostile life that suffocated him. – Flix J Palma
- A number is still very accurate, but its role is changed.In the changed role this number enriches the silence. – Dejan Stojanovic
- When you know someone behind you, you can change the world, when you know someone behind her, the world will change you. – Nutan Bajracharya
- People will kill you over time. And how they’ll kill you is with tiny, harmless phrases like -˜be realistic’. – Dylan Moran
- While your ego is always trying to figure out its place in the world, your true self knows that your place is always right here, right now. – Elaine Moran
- The best decisions are always made quickly and changed slowly, not made slowly and changed quickly. – John Patrick Hickey