Famous Alice Walsh Quotes

  • She stole my first kiss, first love and all those first things, which are remembered just because they’ve never been before – Alice  Walsh

    She stole my first kiss, first love and all those first things, which are remembered just because they’ve never been before– Alice Walsh

  • It should never be your job to pick up the pieces of a broken man or to housebreak one. There are far better things you can do with your time. – Alice  Walsh

    It should never be your job to pick up the pieces of a broken man or to housebreak one. There are far better things you can do with your time.– Alice Walsh

  • Some women are just better at knowing what they want, which saves them the trouble of wasting too much time on the wrong guy. – Alice  Walsh

    Some women are just better at knowing what they want, which saves them the trouble of wasting too much time on the wrong guy.– Alice Walsh

  • All women like to think they-Ÿre special. Even the ones that aren-Ÿt. – Alice  Walsh

    All women like to think they-Ÿre special. Even the ones that aren-Ÿt.– Alice Walsh

  • Never underestimate the power of a pity ????, which makes for about ninety percent of women’s collective dating history. – Alice  Walsh

    Never underestimate the power of a pity ????, which makes for about ninety percent of women’s collective dating history.– Alice Walsh

  • She knew that sex was a means of getting ahead and saw nothing wrong in exploiting male weaknesses for her own purposes. – Alice  Walsh

    She knew that sex was a means of getting ahead and saw nothing wrong in exploiting male weaknesses for her own purposes.– Alice Walsh