Famous Amanda Lovelace Quotes

  • revenge was never my intention.-but it still tastes sweeter than honey – Amanda Lovelace

    revenge was never my intention.-but it still tastes sweeter than honey– Amanda Lovelace

  • all of the oceans& galaxiesdid notconspire together tocreate mejust so i couldreproduce for you.-Startling Fact #1 – Amanda Lovelace

    all of the oceans& galaxiesdid notconspire together tocreate mejust so i couldreproduce for you.-Startling Fact #1– Amanda Lovelace

  • fiction:the oceani diveheadfirstintowhen icanno longerbreathe in re – Amanda Lovelace

    fiction:the oceani diveheadfirstintowhen icanno longerbreathe in re– Amanda Lovelace

  • it tooklosing himto finally findmyself.It tooklosing hima second timeto be sureof myself.thatwas myfirst actofself-love. – Amanda Lovelace

    it tooklosing himto finally findmyself.It tooklosing hima second timeto be sureof myself.thatwas myfirst actofself-love.– Amanda Lovelace

  • it is strangehowsisterscanbesaviorsorstrangers& sometimesa bit of both. – Amanda Lovelace

    it is strangehowsisterscanbesaviorsorstrangers& sometimesa bit of both.– Amanda Lovelace

  • ilet myselfknowthat my lifedoesn’thave to be overjust becausetheirs are& i wentahead& paintedthe sunback into my sky.I am allowed to live my life. – Amanda Lovelace

    ilet myselfknowthat my lifedoesn’thave to be overjust becausetheirs are& i wentahead& paintedthe sunback into my sky.I am allowed to live my life.– Amanda Lovelace