Famous Amy Engel Quotes

  • The scars are just something that happened to me. They aren’t me. Not anymore. – Amy Engel

    The scars are just something that happened to me. They aren’t me. Not anymore.– Amy Engel

  • He didn’t save me, though. He allowed me the freedom to save myself, which is the very best type of rescue. – Amy Engel

    He didn’t save me, though. He allowed me the freedom to save myself, which is the very best type of rescue.– Amy Engel

  • There are only two choices. Stay here and die. Or get up and see what happens next. – Amy Engel

    There are only two choices. Stay here and die. Or get up and see what happens next.– Amy Engel

  • I’m glad she’s not faking affection. It’s more honest than what her husband is doing, at least. Dislike is an emotion I can respect. – Amy Engel

    I’m glad she’s not faking affection. It’s more honest than what her husband is doing, at least. Dislike is an emotion I can respect.– Amy Engel

  • But I want to be better than the lessons they taught me. I want my love to be greater that my hate, my mercy to be stronger than my vengeance. – Amy Engel

    But I want to be better than the lessons they taught me. I want my love to be greater that my hate, my mercy to be stronger than my vengeance.– Amy Engel

  • But recognizing the ridiculousness of an emotion and being able to master it are two very different things, I’m finding. – Amy Engel

    But recognizing the ridiculousness of an emotion and being able to master it are two very different things, I’m finding.– Amy Engel

  • You’re easy to read, Ivy, but the whole book of you is complicated. – Amy Engel

    You’re easy to read, Ivy, but the whole book of you is complicated.– Amy Engel

  • My mission is not to make him happy and bear his children and be his wife. My mission is to kill him. – Amy Engel

    My mission is not to make him happy and bear his children and be his wife. My mission is to kill him.– Amy Engel

  • I’m not sure how we got to this place, where a girl’s only value is in what kind of marriage she has, how capable she is of keeping a man happy. – Amy Engel

    I’m not sure how we got to this place, where a girl’s only value is in what kind of marriage she has, how capable she is of keeping a man happy.– Amy Engel

  • I want to be someone strong and brave enough to make hard choices. But I want to be fair and loving enough to make the right ones. – Amy Engel

    I want to be someone strong and brave enough to make hard choices. But I want to be fair and loving enough to make the right ones.– Amy Engel