Famous Amy Harmon Quotes

  • None of us can help where we were scattered, Blue. But none of us has to remain where we were scattered. – Amy Harmon

    None of us can help where we were scattered, Blue. But none of us has to remain where we were scattered.– Amy Harmon

  • None of us can help where we were scattered, Blue. But none of us has to remain where we were scattered.– Amy Harmon

  • Fern: How would you know? Have you ever been nobody? Ambrose: Everybody who is somebody becomes nobody the moment they fail. – Amy Harmon

    Fern: How would you know? Have you ever been nobody? Ambrose: Everybody who is somebody becomes nobody the moment they fail.– Amy Harmon

  • Maybe the moral of the legend is that we are all carved, created, and formed by a master hand. Maybe we are all works of art. – Amy Harmon

    Maybe the moral of the legend is that we are all carved, created, and formed by a master hand. Maybe we are all works of art.– Amy Harmon

  • There are laws. There are rules. And when you break them, there are consequences. Laws of nature and laws of life. Laws of love and laws of death. – Amy Harmon

    There are laws. There are rules. And when you break them, there are consequences. Laws of nature and laws of life. Laws of love and laws of death.– Amy Harmon

  • Camillo always say we are on earth to learn. I think I want to teach. I want to teach history so that the world does not have to repeat our mistakes. – Amy Harmon

    Camillo always say we are on earth to learn. I think I want to teach. I want to teach history so that the world does not have to repeat our mistakes.– Amy Harmon

  • making the most of every second, because seconds became minute sand minutes became precious when life could be taken in less than a breath. – Amy Harmon

    making the most of every second, because seconds became minute sand minutes became precious when life could be taken in less than a breath.– Amy Harmon

  • Why are you so angry?-His question surprised me, and I laughed a little. -œThis isn’t angry,- I smirked. -œThis is just me. Get used to it. – Amy Harmon

    Why are you so angry?-His question surprised me, and I laughed a little. -œThis isn’t angry,- I smirked. -œThis is just me. Get used to it.– Amy Harmon

  • No weight in her pockets and far too much heaviness in her heart. – Amy Harmon

    No weight in her pockets and far too much heaviness in her heart.– Amy Harmon

  • No weight in her pockets and far too much heaviness in her heart.– Amy Harmon