Famous Anatole Broyard Quotes

  • There was a time when we expected nothing of our children but obedience, as opposed to the present, when we expect everything of them but obedience.  – Anatole Broyard

    There was a time when we expected nothing of our children but obedience, as opposed to the present, when we expect everything of them but obedience. – Anatole Broyard

  • Two people making love, she once said, are like one drowned person resuscitating the other. – Anatole Broyard

    Two people making love, she once said, are like one drowned person resuscitating the other.– Anatole Broyard

  • The contents of someone’s bookcase are part of his history, like an ancestral port – Anatole Broyard

    The contents of someone’s bookcase are part of his history, like an ancestral port– Anatole Broyard