Famous Anne Ursu Quotes

  • It was a beautiful lie that they had all been telling themselves-”that you could have magic without monsters. – Anne Ursu

    It was a beautiful lie that they had all been telling themselves-”that you could have magic without monsters.– Anne Ursu

  • Someone who thinks of possessing a fountain made of a winged baby with water shooting out of its mouth must not have too many troubles. – Anne Ursu

    Someone who thinks of possessing a fountain made of a winged baby with water shooting out of its mouth must not have too many troubles.– Anne Ursu

  • He’s gone now. He did something terrible, but…he did good things, too. And he kept us well. And it’s all right if you are sad. – Anne Ursu

    He’s gone now. He did something terrible, but…he did good things, too. And he kept us well. And it’s all right if you are sad.– Anne Ursu

  • His words sounded foolish to his own ears. He was not impressive. He was small like the world. – Anne Ursu

    His words sounded foolish to his own ears. He was not impressive. He was small like the world.– Anne Ursu

  • She just eyed them coolly, as if they were nothing to her, as if their nothingness surprised and slightly repelled her. – Anne Ursu

    She just eyed them coolly, as if they were nothing to her, as if their nothingness surprised and slightly repelled her.– Anne Ursu