Famous Arundhati Roy Quotes

  • The story flared, then faded. – Arundhati Roy

    The story flared, then faded.– Arundhati Roy

  • There’s really no such thing as the ‘voiceless’. There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard. – Arundhati Roy

    There’s really no such thing as the ‘voiceless’. There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard.– Arundhati Roy

  • Cow, goat, chicken, lamb . . . only slaves eat like this,’ Musa said, heaping an impolite amount on to his plate. -˜Our stomachs are graveyards. – Arundhati Roy

    Cow, goat, chicken, lamb . . . only slaves eat like this,’ Musa said, heaping an impolite amount on to his plate. -˜Our stomachs are graveyards.– Arundhati Roy

  • [Internationa] Aid is just another praetorian business enterprise. – Arundhati Roy

    [Internationa] Aid is just another praetorian business enterprise.– Arundhati Roy

  • She was perhaps too young to realize that what she assumed was her love for [him] was actually a tentative, timorous, acceptance of herself. – Arundhati Roy

    She was perhaps too young to realize that what she assumed was her love for [him] was actually a tentative, timorous, acceptance of herself.– Arundhati Roy

  • There are things that can be forgotten. And things that cannot – that sit on dusty shelves like stuffed birds with baleful, sideways staring eyes. – Arundhati Roy

    There are things that can be forgotten. And things that cannot – that sit on dusty shelves like stuffed birds with baleful, sideways staring eyes.– Arundhati Roy

  • Only that once again they broke the Love Laws. That lay down who should be loved. And how. And how much. – Arundhati Roy

    Only that once again they broke the Love Laws. That lay down who should be loved. And how. And how much.– Arundhati Roy

  • Trees raised their naked, mottled branches to the sky like mourners stilled in attitudes of grief. – Arundhati Roy

    Trees raised their naked, mottled branches to the sky like mourners stilled in attitudes of grief.– Arundhati Roy

  • That’s what careless words do. They make people love you a little less. – Arundhati Roy

    That’s what careless words do. They make people love you a little less.– Arundhati Roy

  • In a determined reversal of her inherent nature, Kochu Maria now, as a policy, hardly ever believed anything that anybody said. – Arundhati Roy

    In a determined reversal of her inherent nature, Kochu Maria now, as a policy, hardly ever believed anything that anybody said.– Arundhati Roy