Famous BJ Daniels Quotes

  • Lillie woke to darkness an instant before a large warm hand clamped down over her mouth-¦ – BJ Daniels

    Lillie woke to darkness an instant before a large warm hand clamped down over her mouth-¦– BJ Daniels

  • I have a suspicious mind, and murder is kind of my business. – BJ Daniels

    I have a suspicious mind, and murder is kind of my business.– BJ Daniels

  • He couldn’t jeopardize the saloon because of some silly infatuation with an outlaw. Even one as beautiful as Mariah Ayers. – BJ Daniels

    He couldn’t jeopardize the saloon because of some silly infatuation with an outlaw. Even one as beautiful as Mariah Ayers.– BJ Daniels

  • The motorcycle’s headlights cut through the darkness. Ahead the road was nothing but a black hole. She roared toward it. – BJ Daniels

    The motorcycle’s headlights cut through the darkness. Ahead the road was nothing but a black hole. She roared toward it.– BJ Daniels