Famous Carlos Ruiz Zafn Quotes

  • But I couldn’t absorb the idea that death could actually walk by my side, with a human face and a heart that was poisoned with hatred. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    But I couldn’t absorb the idea that death could actually walk by my side, with a human face and a heart that was poisoned with hatred.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • God gives us life, but the world’s landlord is the devil…. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    God gives us life, but the world’s landlord is the devil….– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • All business opportunities stem from someone else’s inability to resolve a simple and inevitable problem. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    All business opportunities stem from someone else’s inability to resolve a simple and inevitable problem.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • A secret’s worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    A secret’s worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • You talk as if Bea were a trophy.”No, as if she were a blessing,’ Fermin corrected. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    You talk as if Bea were a trophy.”No, as if she were a blessing,’ Fermin corrected.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • And here I was thinking you were a bit slow, what with so much asking and not knowing anything. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    And here I was thinking you were a bit slow, what with so much asking and not knowing anything.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • As he took them in his arms, the crying of the babies permeated the night like a trail of blood calling out to a predator. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    As he took them in his arms, the crying of the babies permeated the night like a trail of blood calling out to a predator.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • Life has enough torturers as it is, without you going around moonlighting as a Grand Inquisitor against yourself. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    Life has enough torturers as it is, without you going around moonlighting as a Grand Inquisitor against yourself.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • Some disappointments honor those who inspire them – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    Some disappointments honor those who inspire them– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • I’ve learnt that solitude is sometimes a path that leads to peace – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    I’ve learnt that solitude is sometimes a path that leads to peace– Carlos Ruiz Zafn