Famous Carlos Ruiz Zafn Quotes
But I couldn’t absorb the idea that death could actually walk by my side, with a human face and a heart that was poisoned with hatred.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn
God gives us life, but the world’s landlord is the devil….– Carlos Ruiz Zafn
All business opportunities stem from someone else’s inability to resolve a simple and inevitable problem.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn
A secret’s worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn
You talk as if Bea were a trophy.”No, as if she were a blessing,’ Fermin corrected.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn
And here I was thinking you were a bit slow, what with so much asking and not knowing anything.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn
Life has enough torturers as it is, without you going around moonlighting as a Grand Inquisitor against yourself.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn
Some disappointments honor those who inspire them– Carlos Ruiz Zafn
I’ve learnt that solitude is sometimes a path that leads to peace– Carlos Ruiz Zafn