Famous Christine Amsden Quotes

  • You’re a kid. I didn’t know we taught kids manners anymore. – Christine Amsden

    You’re a kid. I didn’t know we taught kids manners anymore.– Christine Amsden

  • It helps if you don’t think of them as human. More than one officer has called this job pest control. – Christine Amsden

    It helps if you don’t think of them as human. More than one officer has called this job pest control.– Christine Amsden

  • My dad liked to say that magic itself is never black; only the uses to which it is put, but mind magic is already tinted a deep, dark gray. – Christine Amsden

    My dad liked to say that magic itself is never black; only the uses to which it is put, but mind magic is already tinted a deep, dark gray.– Christine Amsden