Famous Claire Cross Quotes

  • Lust, I suspect, wears repatent stilettos, that feather boa and not much else. Maybe glossy red lipstick. – Claire Cross

    Lust, I suspect, wears repatent stilettos, that feather boa and not much else. Maybe glossy red lipstick.– Claire Cross

  • Welcome to BigMistake.comPopulation: untold millons – Claire Cross

    Welcome to BigMistake.comPopulation: untold millons– Claire Cross

  • Stay home and the crooks win. They get the night, by default and concession, the night which should rightly belong to all of us. – Claire Cross

    Stay home and the crooks win. They get the night, by default and concession, the night which should rightly belong to all of us.– Claire Cross

  • Life is too short to cower. – Claire Cross

    Life is too short to cower.– Claire Cross

  • The most important thing anyone can do is raise their kids well. – Claire Cross

    The most important thing anyone can do is raise their kids well.– Claire Cross

  • You only get one life so dream big. Dream bold. Dream in color – Claire Cross

    You only get one life so dream big. Dream bold. Dream in color– Claire Cross