Famous Confucius Quotes

  • Lord Chi Wen thought three times before taking any action. When the Master heard this, he said: Twice is plenty enough. – Confucius

    Lord Chi Wen thought three times before taking any action. When the Master heard this, he said: Twice is plenty enough.– Confucius

  • He who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own. – Confucius

    He who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own.– Confucius

  • When everyone hates a person, you should investigate thoroughly, and when everyone loves a person, you should also investigate thoroughly. – Confucius

    When everyone hates a person, you should investigate thoroughly, and when everyone loves a person, you should also investigate thoroughly.– Confucius

  • He who is concerned only with the purity of his own life ruins the great human relations. – Confucius

    He who is concerned only with the purity of his own life ruins the great human relations.– Confucius

  • The Master said, -œThe gentleman does not serve as a vessel.-(Analects 2.12) – Confucius

    The Master said, -œThe gentleman does not serve as a vessel.-(Analects 2.12)– Confucius

  • A gentleman is not a pot. – Confucius

    A gentleman is not a pot.– Confucius

  • The noble-minded encourage what is beautiful in people and discourage what is ugly in them. Little people do just the opposite. – Confucius

    The noble-minded encourage what is beautiful in people and discourage what is ugly in them. Little people do just the opposite.– Confucius

  • Respect yourself and others will respect you. – Confucius

    Respect yourself and others will respect you.– Confucius

  • The scholar does not consider gold and jade to be precious treasures, but loyalty and good faith. – Confucius

    The scholar does not consider gold and jade to be precious treasures, but loyalty and good faith.– Confucius

  • Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. – Confucius

    Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.– Confucius