Famous Courtney Brooks Quotes

  • Hope is the belief that everything will get better, even when you don’t see any indication of improvement. – Courtney Brooks

    Hope is the belief that everything will get better, even when you don’t see any indication of improvement.– Courtney Brooks

  • You were beautifully and wonderfully created with the skin of diamonds, so if you do break, you are still valuable. – Courtney Brooks

    You were beautifully and wonderfully created with the skin of diamonds, so if you do break, you are still valuable.– Courtney Brooks

  • God has given us our own unique paths to follow in life. What’s interesting is no one’s journey is ever the same. – Courtney Brooks

    God has given us our own unique paths to follow in life. What’s interesting is no one’s journey is ever the same.– Courtney Brooks

  • Faith removes fear from your mind by adding courage to your heart. – Courtney Brooks

    Faith removes fear from your mind by adding courage to your heart.– Courtney Brooks