Famous Courtney Summers Quotes

  • If I can do things right, I don’t see why everyone else can’t. – Courtney Summers

    If I can do things right, I don’t see why everyone else can’t.– Courtney Summers

  • If I can do things right, I don’t see why everyone else can’t.– Courtney Summers

  • She hates her heart, that misguided organ in her chest. Why didn’t it warn her? – Courtney Summers

    She hates her heart, that misguided organ in her chest. Why didn’t it warn her?– Courtney Summers

  • I will see my father in every anger. – Courtney Summers

    I will see my father in every anger.– Courtney Summers

  • I hope I’m the ghost that belongs to her. – Courtney Summers

    I hope I’m the ghost that belongs to her.– Courtney Summers

  • My hands are dying. – Courtney Summers

    My hands are dying.– Courtney Summers

  • Whatever’s between us is that kind of new. – Courtney Summers

    Whatever’s between us is that kind of new.– Courtney Summers