Famous Cuthbert Soup Quotes

  • You see, unlike most writers today, I do not use a computer. I write the old-fashioned way: on the walls of caves. – Cuthbert Soup

    You see, unlike most writers today, I do not use a computer. I write the old-fashioned way: on the walls of caves.– Cuthbert Soup

  • He’s getting away you idiots! Shoot him. I’m wearing Spider-Man underpants! – Cuthbert Soup

    He’s getting away you idiots! Shoot him. I’m wearing Spider-Man underpants!– Cuthbert Soup

  • What’s a wingding? Why, a wingding is, uh…it’s just like a shindig but without all the hullabaloo. – Cuthbert Soup

    What’s a wingding? Why, a wingding is, uh…it’s just like a shindig but without all the hullabaloo.– Cuthbert Soup

  • You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him participate in synchronized diving. – Cuthbert Soup

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him participate in synchronized diving.– Cuthbert Soup

  • A red eight-sided sign always means: A) Stop. B) Go. C) Danger! Red octogons ahead! – Cuthbert Soup

    A red eight-sided sign always means: A) Stop. B) Go. C) Danger! Red octogons ahead!– Cuthbert Soup