Famous Daniel Nayeri Quotes

  • Guilt is a useless feeling. It’s never enough to make you change direction–only enough to make you useless. – Daniel Nayeri

    Guilt is a useless feeling. It’s never enough to make you change direction–only enough to make you useless.– Daniel Nayeri

  • Guilt is a useless feeling. It’s never enough to make you change direction- only enough to paralyze you and make you… well, useless. – Daniel Nayeri

    Guilt is a useless feeling. It’s never enough to make you change direction- only enough to paralyze you and make you… well, useless.– Daniel Nayeri

  • If it looks real and feels real, do you think it matters if it’s real? – Daniel Nayeri

    If it looks real and feels real, do you think it matters if it’s real?– Daniel Nayeri

  • The tree leaves rustled like that noise e-books make when you turn the page. – Daniel Nayeri

    The tree leaves rustled like that noise e-books make when you turn the page.– Daniel Nayeri

  • You obviously don’t have my soul or you wouldn’t be trying to make deals. – Daniel Nayeri

    You obviously don’t have my soul or you wouldn’t be trying to make deals.– Daniel Nayeri

  • Human history is full of great men, great women, individuals, with the will for power – all of them with governesses like her. – Daniel Nayeri

    Human history is full of great men, great women, individuals, with the will for power – all of them with governesses like her.– Daniel Nayeri

  • Because some things that seem unimportant now can change the course of human history — and I am a student of human history. – Daniel Nayeri

    Because some things that seem unimportant now can change the course of human history — and I am a student of human history.– Daniel Nayeri

  • The world is full of stupid people. That’s why we have rules. But with enough intelligence, a person can be above the rules. She can make rules. – Daniel Nayeri

    The world is full of stupid people. That’s why we have rules. But with enough intelligence, a person can be above the rules. She can make rules.– Daniel Nayeri

  • It’s not worth losing your soul to win a guy. – Daniel Nayeri

    It’s not worth losing your soul to win a guy.– Daniel Nayeri

  • I think the biggest lie the devil ever told was that beauty and goodness are the same. – Daniel Nayeri

    I think the biggest lie the devil ever told was that beauty and goodness are the same.– Daniel Nayeri