Famous Danielle Rohr Quotes

  • It was Chelsea who captures our plummet before it reaches the deepest parts of our vulnerability. – Danielle Rohr

    It was Chelsea who captures our plummet before it reaches the deepest parts of our vulnerability.– Danielle Rohr

  • The parts of my mind that apply logic and understanding had somehow abandoned me, and something primitive and instinctual took control. – Danielle Rohr

    The parts of my mind that apply logic and understanding had somehow abandoned me, and something primitive and instinctual took control.– Danielle Rohr

  • We don’t speak of it, or react to it. Paralyzed in a reality of uncertainty and madness,this is where we are. – Danielle Rohr

    We don’t speak of it, or react to it. Paralyzed in a reality of uncertainty and madness,this is where we are.– Danielle Rohr