Famous Dara Reidyr Quotes

  • To those who do not see, we are the enigma of society – Dara Reidyr

    To those who do not see, we are the enigma of society– Dara Reidyr

  • Only those who are empty within, seek to suppress those around them – Dara Reidyr

    Only those who are empty within, seek to suppress those around them– Dara Reidyr

  • Reason and logic, fused with intuition and empathy, equals awakened consciousness and spirituality. – Dara Reidyr

    Reason and logic, fused with intuition and empathy, equals awakened consciousness and spirituality.– Dara Reidyr

  • Doubt everything except your conscience, even then test the waters, for much brainwashing has gone out into the world – Dara Reidyr

    Doubt everything except your conscience, even then test the waters, for much brainwashing has gone out into the world– Dara Reidyr