Famous Diana Wynne Jones Quotes

  • There is very seldom any true secret. – Diana Wynne Jones

    There is very seldom any true secret.– Diana Wynne Jones

  • Some people are thoroughly self-centred. This thing goes with me. I need it for moral support. – Diana Wynne Jones

    Some people are thoroughly self-centred. This thing goes with me. I need it for moral support.– Diana Wynne Jones

  • Take it from me, Fate doesn’t care most of the time. – Diana Wynne Jones

    Take it from me, Fate doesn’t care most of the time.– Diana Wynne Jones

  • In a way it was worth it, she thought, except that it was such a total waste. – Diana Wynne Jones

    In a way it was worth it, she thought, except that it was such a total waste.– Diana Wynne Jones

  • Tantrums are seldom about the thing they appear to be about. – Diana Wynne Jones

    Tantrums are seldom about the thing they appear to be about.– Diana Wynne Jones

  • …and said grace in Welsh. It was all rolling, thundering language. – Diana Wynne Jones

    …and said grace in Welsh. It was all rolling, thundering language.– Diana Wynne Jones

  • Beauty isn’t made of sugar. – Diana Wynne Jones

    Beauty isn’t made of sugar.– Diana Wynne Jones

  • But I discovered that people like me — they do, you know, if you like them — and then it was all right. – Diana Wynne Jones

    But I discovered that people like me — they do, you know, if you like them — and then it was all right.– Diana Wynne Jones