Famous DJ MacHale Quotes

  • I hate clowns. I’ve mentioned that, right? – DJ MacHale

    I hate clowns. I’ve mentioned that, right?– DJ MacHale

  • Spader and I were nearly killed. Three times. We were also robbed and witnessed a gruesome murder. Happy birthday to me! – DJ MacHale

    Spader and I were nearly killed. Three times. We were also robbed and witnessed a gruesome murder. Happy birthday to me!– DJ MacHale

  • Damon Scares me,’ Maggie said. ‘Maybe you should do what he wants.”Can’t.”Why not?”Because he killed me. That kind of pisses me off – DJ MacHale

    Damon Scares me,’ Maggie said. ‘Maybe you should do what he wants.”Can’t.”Why not?”Because he killed me. That kind of pisses me off– DJ MacHale

  • Good stuff doesn’t just happen. You have to fight for it. – DJ MacHale

    Good stuff doesn’t just happen. You have to fight for it.– DJ MacHale

  • Now it was just the three of us: the leader, the warrior, and the kid about to wet his pants. Guess who I was. – DJ MacHale

    Now it was just the three of us: the leader, the warrior, and the kid about to wet his pants. Guess who I was.– DJ MacHale