Famous Donna Augustine Quotes

  • People say karma’s a bitch. Personally, I really don’t think I’m that bad. – Donna Augustine

    People say karma’s a bitch. Personally, I really don’t think I’m that bad.– Donna Augustine

  • Anyone who thought death warmed over didn’t look good, had never seen this guy. – Donna Augustine

    Anyone who thought death warmed over didn’t look good, had never seen this guy.– Donna Augustine

  • We weren’t a couple, but friends didn’t spoon every night. Fate and I were officially in relationship-no-man’s-land. – Donna Augustine

    We weren’t a couple, but friends didn’t spoon every night. Fate and I were officially in relationship-no-man’s-land.– Donna Augustine

  • The sizzle I felt being near him was so intense, but I couldn’t figure out if they were fireworks or warning flares. – Donna Augustine

    The sizzle I felt being near him was so intense, but I couldn’t figure out if they were fireworks or warning flares.– Donna Augustine

  • I was going down and hard. There are a few things in life that suck really badly. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is one of them. – Donna Augustine

    I was going down and hard. There are a few things in life that suck really badly. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is one of them.– Donna Augustine