Famous Dr Asoka Jinadasa Quotes

  • Mangers consolidate the present. Leaders create the future. – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    Mangers consolidate the present. Leaders create the future.– Dr Asoka Jinadasa

  • You can rewire your brain and reinvent your life at any age – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    You can rewire your brain and reinvent your life at any age– Dr Asoka Jinadasa

  • If a lion cub thinks it is a kitten, it will grow up catching mice. – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    If a lion cub thinks it is a kitten, it will grow up catching mice.– Dr Asoka Jinadasa

  • Our emotions are like programs that function under the control of the operating system comprising of our beliefs. – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    Our emotions are like programs that function under the control of the operating system comprising of our beliefs.– Dr Asoka Jinadasa

  • Wise people listen to your words. Learned people listen to their interpretation of your words. – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    Wise people listen to your words. Learned people listen to their interpretation of your words.– Dr Asoka Jinadasa

  • To get what you want tomorrow, be grateful for what you have today. – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    To get what you want tomorrow, be grateful for what you have today.– Dr Asoka Jinadasa

  • Before walking in someone else’s shoes, you have to remove your shoes first. – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    Before walking in someone else’s shoes, you have to remove your shoes first.– Dr Asoka Jinadasa

  • You have first flown with your mind to every goal you have ever achieved. – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    You have first flown with your mind to every goal you have ever achieved.– Dr Asoka Jinadasa

  • You must love yourself before you can love others. – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    You must love yourself before you can love others.– Dr Asoka Jinadasa

  • Light is invisible until it strikes an object. So is your love until you share it. – Dr Asoka Jinadasa

    Light is invisible until it strikes an object. So is your love until you share it.– Dr Asoka Jinadasa