Famous Drishti Bablani Quotes

  • Habits are hard to let go, especially if they are human beings. – Drishti Bablani

    Habits are hard to let go, especially if they are human beings.– Drishti Bablani

  • Emotions are some merciless attention seekers you know.You ignore them they destroy you. – Drishti Bablani

    Emotions are some merciless attention seekers you know.You ignore them they destroy you.– Drishti Bablani

  • The universe does not carry debts, it always  returns back to you what you gave it. – Drishti Bablani

    The universe does not carry debts, it always returns back to you what you gave it.– Drishti Bablani

  • It’s not your imperfections that make you attractive,it’s your honesty about them that does. – Drishti Bablani

    It’s not your imperfections that make you attractive,it’s your honesty about them that does.– Drishti Bablani

  • Let them travel freely, from heart to lips.Feelings they are, don’t cut them off at tips. – Drishti Bablani

    Let them travel freely, from heart to lips.Feelings they are, don’t cut them off at tips.– Drishti Bablani

  • Never Kill your What Ifs,But first be Grateful for What Is. – Drishti Bablani

    Never Kill your What Ifs,But first be Grateful for What Is.– Drishti Bablani

  • You never lose Friends.Real ones will always stay – no matter whatand the fakes, you don’t need anyways. – Drishti Bablani

    You never lose Friends.Real ones will always stay – no matter whatand the fakes, you don’t need anyways.– Drishti Bablani

  • Words are just words,Who they come from gives them Relevance,And this Relevance gives them the Power to Hurt you.Make those who Hurt you Irrelevant. – Drishti Bablani

    Words are just words,Who they come from gives them Relevance,And this Relevance gives them the Power to Hurt you.Make those who Hurt you Irrelevant.– Drishti Bablani

  • Understanding someone, is the sign of True Maturity,Forgiving them is that of True Wisdom. – Drishti Bablani

    Understanding someone, is the sign of True Maturity,Forgiving them is that of True Wisdom.– Drishti Bablani

  • Healing from a loss doesn’t happen on schedule.You need to give the head and heart time to catch up with the reality. – Drishti Bablani

    Healing from a loss doesn’t happen on schedule.You need to give the head and heart time to catch up with the reality.– Drishti Bablani