Famous Elizabeth Little Quotes

  • Mutli-tools are like insults, girls – you should always have one on hand. – Elizabeth Little

    Mutli-tools are like insults, girls – you should always have one on hand.– Elizabeth Little

  • I think it’s fair to say that I don’t pick up languages. If anything, I roll around in them gracelessly and pray that something sticks. – Elizabeth Little

    I think it’s fair to say that I don’t pick up languages. If anything, I roll around in them gracelessly and pray that something sticks.– Elizabeth Little

  • And I’d be damned if I let the first photograph of me in ten years be taken on ????ing Amtrak. I mean, the light alone. – Elizabeth Little

    And I’d be damned if I let the first photograph of me in ten years be taken on ????ing Amtrak. I mean, the light alone.– Elizabeth Little