Famous Elyne Mitchell Quotes

  • For God took a handful of blizzard snow, blew on it and created the horse. – Elyne Mitchell

    For God took a handful of blizzard snow, blew on it and created the horse.– Elyne Mitchell

  • Life and summer are fleeting,’ sang the bird. -˜Snow and dark, and the winter comes. Nothing remains the same. – Elyne Mitchell

    Life and summer are fleeting,’ sang the bird. -˜Snow and dark, and the winter comes. Nothing remains the same.– Elyne Mitchell

  • the oncoming night was filled with the mystery of unknown places and of distance, of things that happened long ago and happenings yet to com – Elyne Mitchell

    the oncoming night was filled with the mystery of unknown places and of distance, of things that happened long ago and happenings yet to com– Elyne Mitchell