Famous Eric Onyango Otieno Quotes

  • Words are living things. – Eric Onyango Otieno

    Words are living things.– Eric Onyango Otieno

  • Words are living things.– Eric Onyango Otieno

  • Think. It’s free of charge. – Eric Onyango Otieno

    Think. It’s free of charge.– Eric Onyango Otieno

  • Wisdom is the ability to read the unwritten. – Eric Onyango Otieno

    Wisdom is the ability to read the unwritten.– Eric Onyango Otieno

  • Seek self before you venture to conquer the world. Most of what you are looking for is rooted inside you. – Eric Onyango Otieno

    Seek self before you venture to conquer the world. Most of what you are looking for is rooted inside you.– Eric Onyango Otieno

  • The beauty you want to attract is the one you should become. – Eric Onyango Otieno

    The beauty you want to attract is the one you should become.– Eric Onyango Otieno