Famous Erica Bauermeister Quotes

  • She found herself wondering at what point in her life she had ceased to be Gulliver and had become the strings holding him to the ground. – Erica Bauermeister

    She found herself wondering at what point in her life she had ceased to be Gulliver and had become the strings holding him to the ground.– Erica Bauermeister

  • It was interesting. Isabelle thought, the children that chose you. Some come through your body; others came in cars in the middle of the night. – Erica Bauermeister

    It was interesting. Isabelle thought, the children that chose you. Some come through your body; others came in cars in the middle of the night.– Erica Bauermeister

  • You could never be certain what you would find in a book that had spent time with someone else. – Erica Bauermeister

    You could never be certain what you would find in a book that had spent time with someone else.– Erica Bauermeister