Famous Federico Garca Lorca Quotes

  • Yo me salgo desnudo a la calle,maduro de versos perdidos.I step naked into the streetripe with lost poems. – Federico Garca Lorca

    Yo me salgo desnudo a la calle,maduro de versos perdidos.I step naked into the streetripe with lost poems.– Federico Garca Lorca

  • Don’t ask me any questions. I’ve seen how things that seek their way find their void instead. – Federico Garca Lorca

    Don’t ask me any questions. I’ve seen how things that seek their way find their void instead.– Federico Garca Lorca

  • Look at the longing, the anguish of a sad fossil world / that cannot find the accent of its first sob. – Federico Garca Lorca

    Look at the longing, the anguish of a sad fossil world / that cannot find the accent of its first sob.– Federico Garca Lorca

  • -¦And my heart openedlike a flower under sky,its petals of desire,its stamens of dreams-¦ – Federico Garca Lorca

    -¦And my heart openedlike a flower under sky,its petals of desire,its stamens of dreams-¦– Federico Garca Lorca