Famous Frederick Espiritu Quotes
Sometimes, it becomes necessary for you to hit the bottom, and hit really hard that it awakens you.– Frederick Espiritu
I’ve learned a hundred secrets,a thousand mysteriesand a million more.But of all the lessons I learned,the greatest is love.– Frederick Espiritu
Where there is love, there is no need.Where there is need, there is suffering.– Frederick Espiritu
If breath is as close as I can get,tomorrow, I’ll become the windjust to be with you again.– Frederick Espiritu
If you wish to know the truth of who you are,follow the voice that calls you home.Go there.For where our love is,there we will be.– Frederick Espiritu
Tear me apart for your view.Open the window of my wounds.To catch one glimpse of youis worth a thousand cures.– Frederick Espiritu
Life is the result of the choice we make.Imagine what it could beif only we were not afraid.– Frederick Espiritu
Be you.That, my friend,is the change you wantto become in the world.– Frederick Espiritu
My heart and my soul are best of friends.And their friendship startedthe day you and I first met.– Frederick Espiritu
Don’t measure how far still you’ve got to go, but how far you’ve already gone to get to the point where you are now.– Frederick Espiritu