Famous Geoffrey Chaucer Quotes

  • you are the cause by which I die – Geoffrey Chaucer

    you are the cause by which I die– Geoffrey Chaucer

  • earn what you can since everything’s for sale – Geoffrey Chaucer

    earn what you can since everything’s for sale– Geoffrey Chaucer

  • Then the Miller fell off his horse. – Geoffrey Chaucer

    Then the Miller fell off his horse.– Geoffrey Chaucer

  • we know little of the things for which we pray – Geoffrey Chaucer

    we know little of the things for which we pray– Geoffrey Chaucer

  • people have managed to marry without arithmetic – Geoffrey Chaucer

    people have managed to marry without arithmetic– Geoffrey Chaucer

  • you will not be master of my body & my property – Geoffrey Chaucer

    you will not be master of my body & my property– Geoffrey Chaucer

  • … murder wol out – Geoffrey Chaucer

    … murder wol out– Geoffrey Chaucer

  • His spirit chaunged house and wente ther,As I cam nevere, I kan nat tellen wher. – Geoffrey Chaucer

    His spirit chaunged house and wente ther,As I cam nevere, I kan nat tellen wher.– Geoffrey Chaucer

  • The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne. – Geoffrey Chaucer

    The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.– Geoffrey Chaucer