Famous Georgette Heyer Quotes

  • You would more probably have gone to the guillotine,’ replied Sir Tristram, depressingly matter of – Georgette Heyer

    You would more probably have gone to the guillotine,’ replied Sir Tristram, depressingly matter of– Georgette Heyer

  • It was growing late, and though one might stand on the brink of a deep chasm of disaster, one was still obliged to dress for dinner. – Georgette Heyer

    It was growing late, and though one might stand on the brink of a deep chasm of disaster, one was still obliged to dress for dinner.– Georgette Heyer

  • Entertaining females with accounts of jug-bitten maunderings is one of my favourite pastimes. – Georgette Heyer

    Entertaining females with accounts of jug-bitten maunderings is one of my favourite pastimes.– Georgette Heyer

  • Them Frenchies!’ -˜Unchristian, that’s what I call ’em,’ responded Mr. Stubbs severely. -˜I fair compassionate that wench. – Georgette Heyer

    Them Frenchies!’ -˜Unchristian, that’s what I call ’em,’ responded Mr. Stubbs severely. -˜I fair compassionate that wench.– Georgette Heyer

  • Well, you have the right to make a sacrifice of yourself, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let you sacrifice me! – Georgette Heyer

    Well, you have the right to make a sacrifice of yourself, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let you sacrifice me!– Georgette Heyer

  • But where is my son? Where is the beautiful Miss Merriot? – Georgette Heyer

    But where is my son? Where is the beautiful Miss Merriot?– Georgette Heyer

  • …Gentlemen don’t understand anything, however wise they may be. – Georgette Heyer

    …Gentlemen don’t understand anything, however wise they may be.– Georgette Heyer

  • The more enchanted the idyll, greater must be the pain of its ending. – Georgette Heyer

    The more enchanted the idyll, greater must be the pain of its ending.– Georgette Heyer

  • People who start a sentence with personally (and they’re always women) ought to be thrown to the lions. It’s a repulsive habit. – Georgette Heyer

    People who start a sentence with personally (and they’re always women) ought to be thrown to the lions. It’s a repulsive habit.– Georgette Heyer

  • Bustle about Noddy, or we shant be in time to snabble any of the lobster patties. – Georgette Heyer

    Bustle about Noddy, or we shant be in time to snabble any of the lobster patties.– Georgette Heyer