Famous Hassan Choughari Quotes

  • Be with people who know your VALUE not your PRICE – Hassan Choughari

    Be with people who know your VALUE not your PRICE– Hassan Choughari

  • Take advantage of losing your job by making it an opportunity to find a better one – Hassan Choughari

    Take advantage of losing your job by making it an opportunity to find a better one– Hassan Choughari

  • Take advantage of losing your job by making it an opportunity to find a better one.. – Hassan Choughari

    Take advantage of losing your job by making it an opportunity to find a better one..– Hassan Choughari

  • It’s a pleasure to create a smile on people’s face, and a gratification to see it on the people you love. – Hassan Choughari

    It’s a pleasure to create a smile on people’s face, and a gratification to see it on the people you love.– Hassan Choughari

  • impossibility exist only in the weak minds – Hassan Choughari

    impossibility exist only in the weak minds– Hassan Choughari