Famous Hillary DePiano Quotes

  • Well, what do you know? Fakespeare! – Hillary DePiano

    Well, what do you know? Fakespeare!– Hillary DePiano

  • I really don’t get this whole oranges thing. It’s like, does he want to eat them or go out with them? – Hillary DePiano

    I really don’t get this whole oranges thing. It’s like, does he want to eat them or go out with them?– Hillary DePiano

  • It’s like a fairy tale. . . on crack! – Hillary DePiano

    It’s like a fairy tale. . . on crack!– Hillary DePiano

  • MURRY: Resolutions are a complete waste of time. They’re just this meaningless ritual, empty promises we make and break within hours of each other. – Hillary DePiano

    MURRY: Resolutions are a complete waste of time. They’re just this meaningless ritual, empty promises we make and break within hours of each other.– Hillary DePiano

  • MOTHER TIME: We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them. – Hillary DePiano

    MOTHER TIME: We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.– Hillary DePiano

  • MURRY: I believe in a lot of things. Santa Claus, magic, vampires, and even ghosts but I don’t believe in luck. Good or bad. – Hillary DePiano

    MURRY: I believe in a lot of things. Santa Claus, magic, vampires, and even ghosts but I don’t believe in luck. Good or bad.– Hillary DePiano

  • NOEL: You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind. – Hillary DePiano

    NOEL: You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.– Hillary DePiano

  • DOSTIE: Let’s be honest here. People? Sometimes they suck. But kids, well, they’re like a new snowfall, you know? – Hillary DePiano

    DOSTIE: Let’s be honest here. People? Sometimes they suck. But kids, well, they’re like a new snowfall, you know?– Hillary DePiano