Famous J Courtney Sullivan Quotes

  • We don’t always do the things our parents want us to do, but it is their mistake if they can’t find a way to love us anyway. – J Courtney Sullivan

    We don’t always do the things our parents want us to do, but it is their mistake if they can’t find a way to love us anyway.– J Courtney Sullivan

  • It was amazing that you did not become your grief entirely, and walk about leaking it everywhere. – J Courtney Sullivan

    It was amazing that you did not become your grief entirely, and walk about leaking it everywhere.– J Courtney Sullivan

  • She had learned over time that to know anything was bearable. It was secrecy that could not be borne. – J Courtney Sullivan

    She had learned over time that to know anything was bearable. It was secrecy that could not be borne.– J Courtney Sullivan

  • Women leave their marriages when they can’t take any more. Men leave when they find someone new. – J Courtney Sullivan

    Women leave their marriages when they can’t take any more. Men leave when they find someone new.– J Courtney Sullivan

  • The moment a woman was born determined so much of who she was allowed to become. – J Courtney Sullivan

    The moment a woman was born determined so much of who she was allowed to become.– J Courtney Sullivan

  • And anyway, once you allowed yourself to picture such a scenario, it couldn’t happen. That was just the way life went. – J Courtney Sullivan

    And anyway, once you allowed yourself to picture such a scenario, it couldn’t happen. That was just the way life went.– J Courtney Sullivan

  • With the Smithies, it was different. There was sometimes no telling where one of them began and the others left off. – J Courtney Sullivan

    With the Smithies, it was different. There was sometimes no telling where one of them began and the others left off.– J Courtney Sullivan