Famous Jacob Grimm Quotes

  • You are mine, and I am thine, and no power on earth shall make it otherwise. – Jacob Grimm

    You are mine, and I am thine, and no power on earth shall make it otherwise.– Jacob Grimm

  • Evil is also not anything small or close to home, and not the worst; otherwise one could grow accustomed to it. – Jacob Grimm

    Evil is also not anything small or close to home, and not the worst; otherwise one could grow accustomed to it.– Jacob Grimm

  • The tailor put on the girdle, and resolved to go forth into the world, because he thought his workshop was too small for his valor. – Jacob Grimm

    The tailor put on the girdle, and resolved to go forth into the world, because he thought his workshop was too small for his valor.– Jacob Grimm

  • I shall eat anyone who tries to steal my singing, springing lark! – Jacob Grimm

    I shall eat anyone who tries to steal my singing, springing lark!– Jacob Grimm